How EMR Can Improve Business Performance
Increase Profitability by Improving Safety
What is EMR?

What is EMR, and How Does It Increase Profit?
What is EMR?
In general, the Experience Modification Rate (EMR)…

What is the New Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse?
The Clearinghouse is a new government-run program database that…

The Evolution and Future of Hard Hats
Some safety experts believe OSHA will soon require hard hats to have a chin strap to better reinforce head protection.

Beryllium: What Is It and How Does It Affect Workers?
Concerns regarding chronic beryllium disease & lung cancer in workers have put OSHA into motion to refine the beryllium standard.

The Heat is On: Go Farther With Heat Illness Prevention
Heat illness is 100% preventable in the workplace, which is why SMART Safety recommends taking extra time to talk about heat safety.

Battling Complacency – The Silent Enemy
Complacency can cause some of the most dangerous incidents in the workplace. Workers can become complacent when they do not feel challenged.

How To Prevent Vehicle Theft
July is Vehicle Theft Prevention Month and SMART Safety wants to ensure that you are taking every step you can to protect your vehicle.

The Importance of First Aid Safety Training
Often, workers must take on the “first responder” role when an emergency happens on a jobsite.

REMINDER: OSHA 300A Form Electronic Submission Deadline March 2
All OSHA 300A Forms from companies required to electronically report were due March 2, 2019.